welcome to my blog

im back at this christmas
Monday 24 December 2012

9 months plus since my last post
how to conclude my 2012?
a lot of unexpected things happened
which brought me down, pulled me up
life is really like a roller coaster
betrayal is the most powerful thing to bring me down
almost 6 months time
can i really just forgive and forget?
im trying hard

this year
i've learnt many
kinship, friendship, relationship, whatsoever-ship
the more i've grown up, the more responsible i realize and accept

i lost my passions and sentiments
because of someone
is this worth for me?
im wondering
remain unchanged is a kind of change?

today should be a joyful day
everybody is celebrating christmas, yet im studying at home
something is so wrong
yea, but i don't mind

life goes on, im alive
with my soul drifting away

merry christmas!

11:37:00 pm